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Ministries for All
Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer
One of the main ministries of the New Testament church is prayer. After a brief Bible Study, we spend time sharing burdens with one another and then pray for God’s leading and help.
Ministries for Kids
Children's Church
Children’s Church meets during the regular Worship hour. It is a worship service for children up through third grade.
Teen Time
Each Saturday evening during the school year our teens gather at a home for fellowship, fun and a devotion time in God’s Word.
We are blessed to have three good camps in our area. Our entire staff minister through Utibaca. We also attend programs at Red Cliff Bible Camp and Pioneer Bible Camp.
Ministries for Adults
Men's Prayer Breakfast
Once a month during the School year, the men of the church meet to share breakfast, a devotional, and a time of prayer for the needs of our families.
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